“The Anointed Delivery Boy”

              “The Anointed Delivery Boy”

1 Samuel 17:15-17

15 “David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.  16 The Philistine came forward morning and evening for forty days and took his stand. 17 Now Jesse said to his son David, “Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp.”

Growing up David was not well known or the cool kid on the block, as a matter of fact, he was not even recognized as much in his family. David’s dad introduces him to the prophet in 1 Samuel 16:11 as ‘the insignificant, or useless one.’ But it is this nobody; the unimportant person called David that God chooses to anoint as the future King.

The cool thing about this is when the world’s spotlight is not on you, God’s Spotlight is. David had couple important qualities to walk into the destiny that God had called him into.

1)            He was obedient: when his father asked him to take the bread to his brothers and check on them, he fulfilled that command of his father to the tee. (v20)

2)            David was not afraid of the battle, as a matter of fact, he runs to meet his brothers who were in the battle front to check on them and to talk with them (v22)

3)            David paid close attention to directions that were given by his father and he also paid attention to his surroundings (vs23)

David learned somewhere in his early age to be satisfied and to be content where you are at. This is something that I am learning; it’s a process many times for me, but I am always working towards being content in the place that God has called me to be.

It must have been a real difficult thing for David to be anointed by God to be King and be running petty errands for his dad. Can you image being anointed as the king and chilling with sheep and putting your life at risk trying to protect them? I feel that this is the area where David stood out he totally trusted the God who anointed and called him to be King to bring that into fruition. Many times as young leaders a struggle we face is we want to Help God, We feel when we are called by God to do something that it needs to happen as soon as possible. We need to rest in the knowledge and understanding that David had gained, that if God has called you to do something he will bring the opportunities into your life to use the call and anointing that He has placed on our lives.

                                   “Our destiny is bound in our obedience.”

David realized and understood very well that his destiny and call was bound in his obedience to the people who God has placed over his life in that present moment. He realized that if the God who make a prophet to wait so that a shepherd boy can come from the fields to be anointed. He fully understood that even if it’s running small errands or just watching sheep, or going to give bread to the brothers on the battlefront, when the God calls he will be at the right place at the right time. David’s obedience to earthly father gave him the opportunity to stand before King Saul and win a great battle against Goliath.

So where ever you are, be it working a mundane job in a secular world, or doing a job that you feel you should not be doing because “God has anointed you to be King.” Remember to stay humble and keep being obedient because there will come a day when the same God who anointed you will provide the opportunity for you to use the anointing to be what he has called you to be. Till then be the anointed delivery boy, be the anointed shepherd and while you are at it do the job with gladness and learn to fight the bear, learn to fight the lion, learn to walk the many miles back and forth delivering things. Because one day everything you learned will be helpful when you walk into the fullness of the anointing and call that God has on your life.

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